Random Weekend Stuff

Busy.  Busy.  Busy.

That just about sums up our weekend.  Saturday’s weather was gorgeous, so hubby took advantage of the sun and warm temps to continue on with fixing the dock that was damaged during last April’s freak ice show put on by Mother Nature.

Dock PieceFirst was making a 33′ long side section that will sit on top of the frame timber on the left side of the dock.  Fashioned from a double set of 2′ x 10’s screwed together, the beast weighed a TON.  It sure looked purdy sitting up on the blocks….but then we had to haul it … Read more...

Next Week’s Menu

First off ~ Happy Friday the 13th!!!

I didn’t realize it until yesterday that today was going to be another Friday the 13th.  Port Dover, Ontario will be swarming with bikers as well as the curious to see what the hubbub is all about.  If you are not from Ontario and are wondering what the fuss is about, more on the spectacle that started in 1981 and continues on every Friday the 13th here.  Google images has some really great photos of the event.

Now on to this week’s menu board….last weeks wasn’t bad for just getting back to … Read more...

Muskoka vs Adirondack


Spurred by a website article from www.cottagelife.com, and knowing there is indeed a difference to the two chairs…. I set about googling images of both, to confirm what I already knew.

That there is definitely a difference in the two chair types, with the descriptor being used by the country of origin, sometimes fiercely too.

The Adirondack Chair has thinner arm rests, the height of the back rest is lower as well as the top edge of the back rest comes in a variety of shapes.  All the back boards typically have the same width with only minor … Read more...

DIY Plastic Bag Dryer

Necessity is the Mother of Invention they say.  Lots of everyday items have been ‘created’ simply due to someone thinking outside the box to solve a problem.

The pacemaker, penicillin, the colour mauve, plastic and even Coke (as in the drink, not the drug!) were all accidents as a result of something being mixed incorrectly, forgotten or grabbing the wrong part.

Our DIY plastic bag holder was a result of necessity, with a sprinkling of problem solving skills utilized.  We reuse and recycle as much as possible, especially plastic bags.  There is far too much plastic in our society, we … Read more...

Of Mice and Women

Last week I received an email from one of my neighbours, with the subject line “mouse”.

Living up in the Great White North, fronting on a lake with treed/bush areas in behind makes for oodles of ‘wild’ critters roaming the area.  Deer, raccoons, skunks, mink, muskrats, beavers, red squirrels, chipmunks and…… mice.

They are quite numerous, but we just sort of live with them…outside that is.  But sometimes, one manages to find the front door of a house and marches inside like an uninvited relative showing up for dinner.

In this case, it was breakfast.  At 7 in the morning, … Read more...

A Change of Seasons

Even though the calendar says September 5th, it definitely feels like Fall has arrived.  I awoke this morning to a cold breeze coming in the window that had been left open a crack overnight.  Brrrrr, no wonder I slept so good.  Nothing makes for a better sleep than being snuggled deep under a warm feather duvet, breathing fresh, clear, cool northern air.  I don’t remember sticking my leg out the covers once, normally one hangs out all night during summer.

As I climbed out of bed, I peeked out the window to check out the lake.  It was noisy most … Read more...

Next Week’s Menu….

Has returned.  Just in time for Fall.  Which is apparently around the next bend in the road, you know the one, the one with the dead birch tree that split into 5 pieces when it fell and hit the rock outcropping.

I have to stop here and mention something before I continue….Today is the Northern Homestead’s 300th Blog Post!!  2 1/2 years has gone by since I started this blog and I have reached a new milestone.  Hope you all are enjoying it as much today as when I started and I thank all my readers for faithfully tuning in … Read more...

A Yen For Yarn

Yen.  Urge.  Desire.  Longing.  Is that feeling that washes over you when something so spectacular presents itself that you just have to touch it.  To pick it up.  To marvel at it.  To take it home.  Actually, I do believe that is what happened to me when I met hubby so long ago…..

But now it is me with yarn (although I am still nuts for hubby).  I picked up a few balls of clearance yarns a few weeks ago, with projects jumping out at me with every one I fondled.  Yes, I fondle yarn.  I don’t grope yarn, that … Read more...

Peach Crisp Delight

Old friends came up to spend a few days with us at the Homestead over the past long weekend, which made for a heck of a lot of laughter, hijinks (mental note: do NOT give Dave the slingshot again), late nights around the firepit and lots of good food.  As much as we hated to see them off on Monday, it was probably a good thing as all that laughter was killing me.

Saturday’s dinner menu was French (Chicken Cordon Bleu, roast carrots with garlic and roasted mini red potatoes) followed by Sunday’s Mexican fiesta of rollos del mar (rolls … Read more...

The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year!

Bwahahahahaha…the kidlets head back to school today.  Thank goodness the running amok all day long, screeching like banshees is done with for another summer.

I don’t like children very much.  I tolerate them at best.  They are loud.  They can be smelly.  They can definitely be dirty…and they ask WAY too many questions.




I don’t know why!   Go ask your father!

So in honour of today’s special day (Back to School Day), I am spending the day in my jammies, knitting, reading, skinning and chopping tomatoes for sauce along with making one last batch of peach jalapeño Read more...