First off ~ Happy Friday the 13th!!!
I didn’t realize it until yesterday that today was going to be another Friday the 13th. Port Dover, Ontario will be swarming with bikers as well as the curious to see what the hubbub is all about. If you are not from Ontario and are wondering what the fuss is about, more on the spectacle that started in 1981 and continues on every Friday the 13th here. Google images has some really great photos of the event.
Now on to this week’s menu board….last weeks wasn’t bad for just getting back to setting a menu. We subbed a few dinners this week, one being Monday’s (we went out for pizza, we were both too exhausted to cook). Tuesday we BBQ’d the entire meal as the return of hot and humid weather surprised us for a few days and I didn’t need nor want to heat the house up to sauna levels using the oven, and last night we closed the pool (insert sad face here) so by the time we were done, it was getting too late to cook anything other than burgers.
So this past Tuesday’s meal will get moved to next week as I still have a hankering for pea risotto with most of the week being comprised of poultry, less red meat and more poultry is good for you, especially after our recent beef-fest of steak, spaghetti and meatballs and beef dip sammies – which were divine, messy, but divine.
This weekend should mark the end of tomato canning season. I am partway through my last bushel with 46 jars of pasta sauce done with about 8 to 9 jars to go. That should be more than enough to get us through until tomato season next year. I will probably have to do at least 2 or 3 more batches of tomatillo salsa as the green monster in the yard still has hundreds of fruit developing – boy, talk about a prolific plant, I will not need to grow one next year, I will have more than enough salsa to last a couple years.
With Fall arriving a week Sunday, it is time to clear out the closets of summer clothes and bring back the winter woolies, more on that next week – How to prioritize and organize your clothes, I know, I bet you are just as excited as me.
Enjoy the weekend, it looks like it will be a nice sunny, fairly warm one, so enjoy the last few days of summer while you can….
Recipe Links:
Turkey Lasagna
Chipotle Rubbed Pork Tenderloin
Whole Wheat Pizza Dough