Technology is…..

Highly Frustrating At Times!!!

I must apologise to my readers for not realizing there was a glitch in the auto-notification section of this site.  Apparently, since just before Christmas, new post emails were not generated and sent out…..

This means….

you missed a bunch of important stuff!!!

But we are now back on track and if anyone thought I was AWOL and missed seeing the latest posts since my holiday break…here you go (just click on each link to access the post)

Today’s:  Smokey the Cowhorse

Yesterday’s: 1st GangUp Challenge of 2013 (this one is REALLY important!)

January 9th: Soup’s

System Maintenance Notice

Next week the site will be off-line for a couple days as the DNS (Domain Name Server) is moving and it takes upwards of 48 hours for the new location to be implemented. 

I apologise in advance for the disruption.

This site, my regular website and also will also be offline as of Tuesday, September 25th at approximately 6:00 p.m. and hopefully will be back up by Thursday sometime.

I appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding and will endeavour to have things back on-line as soon as possible.

There will be a surprise posted later this week once things … Read more...

New Site Launch ~ Giveaway Contest

Drum Roll please!……….Ta-Dah!……Here it is folks….my brand new site showcasing everything I do in the world of Real Estate, Gardening, Cooking and Sewing all rolled into one.  It has been a huge project and I couldn’t have done it without the help of my computer wizard son, who never seemed to tire of my never-ending question ‘How do I do this….?’ a gazillion times over.

Now with this new site rollout, comes a GIVEAWAY Prize for all folks that leave a comment AND sign up for Entries RSS feeds are eligible for their choice of PRIZE. 

So what is the …