Autumn Stuffed Squash

I wish I had the room to grow squash.  Because I love squash.  Butternut Squash.  Acorn Squash.  Santa Squash and many other Fancy-Schmancy Squashes.  They are all good.  You can do so much with them too.  Baked Squash, Fried Squash, Squash Soup, P’sghetti Squash & Meatballs even…the possibilities are endless.

It is Fall in Ontario, which means it is comfort food season.  Apples, squash and all kinds of root vegetables are at their peak.  Nothing like freshly pulled carrots to make your taste buds appreciate your hard work all summer.

Squashes are even better.  They are sweet and savoury all … Read more...

Dyeing With Marigold Flowers

This year I had an abundance……an over-abundance of Marigold flowers around the Homestead.  They not only provide cheerful, sunny, colour to my garden landscape, but they are also perfect companion plants in vegetable gardens as their somewhat obnoxious smell wards off harmful insects, as well as luring the pollinators towards my veggie plants.

So what to do with this overabundance of flower heads? Well, you can’t eat them, but you can use them to dye yarn with.  Which makes sense since I have been spinning up a passel of yarn in the latest hobby craze to enter my life.

Dyeing …

Stop and Smell The Roses

Or the dandelions, or mums, or whatever plant tickles your fancy.

Take the time to savour each and every day.
Every minute.
Every second.
As it could (unknowingly) be your last.

My new motto is: “Enjoy your time on this planet while you can”.


That is all for today.
