
The word of the day is Encouragement.

A simple word that has so much meaning to the person it is directed at.

I grew up in a family devoid of encouragement.  Now don’t be all sad for me, I figure I turned out great mainly because I like to encourage others in all faucets of life.

In my *real world* job, I am a tremendous encourager to *newbies* in my field.  I find it satisfying to help others start out in the crazy real estate business and encourage them to do their best and to always think of their clients … Read more...

What To Do With Leftovers

I love leftovers.  In a pinch, they are a quick meal heated up the next day, but they also have tremendous experimental appeal for the adventurous kitchen types.  I am just such a type.

The other day we had shredded beef tacos with rice for dinner and I was left with about a cup of brown/wild rice and about a cup of the beef in BBQ sauce to ponder what to do with for last nights meal.

I didn’t want tacos again so grabbed a couple frying pans and some veggies from the fridge and got to work.  I also … Read more...

Cheddar Chive Flatbread

Pop up the patio umbrella, fluff the pillows on the chaise lounge poolside and fill me up a frosty glass with a delectably cold summer drink.

Hooray for Summer!

The past couple days has seen the mercury soar into the mid to high 80’s with plenty of humidity to make sweat circle patterns, like crop circles, on the patio table from ice cold glasses.  We had the most miserable, long, cold, despicable winter weather in memory and I for one am LOVIN’ the return of some heat!  The first person to whine about how hot it is gets a slap … Read more...