Oklahoma City Fun!

I had the opportunity to travel this past weekend to Oklahoma City for 4 days.  Hubby is working a contract job there for a month so to break up his “30 day sentence”, we made arrangements for me to fly down and spend our 38th wedding anniversary together exploring some of the fun and exciting tourist attractions that are available in this large Midwestern city

I was able to glean some information from an Internet pal Amy in Pittsburgh who has frequented OKC on numerous occasions and she gave us brilliant suggestions on places to visit as well as which … Read more...

2016 ~ The Year of the Wheel!

Happy New Year to everyone!  Yes, it has been awhile, but how many of you had the time to try and keep up a blog AND do all things Christmas-y?  Baking, cooking, shopping, wrapping, visiting, etc?

That is my defence and I am sticking to it.

I can also add spinning, knitting and weaving into the above as many of you who follow me on Facebook can attest to as I  regularly post pics of FO’s or WIP’s (Finished Objects or Work in Progress) to brighten the days of those cruising on FB.

Now that the holidays are fading in …


¡Bienvenidos a Mexico!

DSC01147 DSC01214¿Como está Ustedes?  ¿Bien?…¿Muy Bien?…¿Maravilloso?

Ok, enough of the Spanish, but I am still on Mexican time after having just returned a couple days ago from the land of sun, sand, clear skies and clear blue-turquoise waters.  Oh and HEAT…did I mention the HEAT?  If not, let me assure you, there was HEAT!  Much better than this minus crap we have been having in arctic cold Canada.

Holidays are a great time to clear the head, enjoy the company of your loved ones, experience awesome food, great scenery and to laze around and do nothing but expand … Read more...

Ukrainian Varenyky (Perogie)

As we approach Christmas at a speed that can only be compared to a Japanese super rail train hurtling through the countryside with an avalanche of hot lava on its heels,  one of the very few things I actually look forward to at Christmas is making Varenyky.   More commonly known as Perogies if you are from Poland or Pelmeni if you are from Russia.  They are a common eastern European dumpling filled with a wide variety of ingredients indigenous to their countries of origin with either cheese, meat, fruit and sauerkraut being the norm.

There are variations in using the …

Tropical Breezes

Polar Vortex is so far removed from Tropical Breezes that it seems incongruous to use the two in the same sentence.  But when you arrive back from vacation and are promptly greeted by a cold snap cold enough for Jack Frost to lose an appendage, you really begin to appreciate (even if you mildly did while away) just exactly where you were a few short hours ago.

This was going to be our 6th trip down to Mexico in about the last 10 yrs and is one of those places where you begin to feel like it is a second … Read more...

Simply Beautiful

My week long fun in the sun in the Riviera Mayan region of Mexico was just what the Doctor ordered.

I am refreshed, rested and probably more than a little brain drained.

BUT….It is time to get back into work mode with a New Year that just now  ‘officially’ starts for me.

I will have a run-down vacation post in the coming days but for now, I need to concentrate on my actual job and start things rolling.  Meanwhile….a few pictures for you to warm you to your toes on this cold, cold forecast of a week we are heading … Read more...

Vamos a Mexico

It’s that time of year.  Time to be the typical Canadian that flees the frigid arctic air mass that has settled over Southern Ontario (and much of North America actually) and head south for some sun, sand, surf…and cervezas!

This has to be the perfect timing for getting away, this past week has been frightfully cold and I am thankful we have a wood stove for alternate heat.  As well as warming up the basement, it helps to shut the furnace up for a while.

We are headed to sunny Mexico for a week, therefore there will be no posts … Read more...

New Year’s Resolutions…

Are not for everyone.  Those that have actual willpower are the only ones that make them come true.  The rest of us are doomed to failure year in and year out.

Sure…you wake up New Year’s Day, head pounding from all the evil swill you drank the night before and you swear, totally swear, on a stack of bibles taller than Rob Ford, that you will N-E-V-E-R drink again…

Until later that night…

I gave up making New Year’s resolutions long ago.  I am now at the age where I have realized I need to stop beating myself up trying … Read more...

What Did You Do Over The Holidays?

Did you go skiing?  Mountain climbing? How about a Cruise? Or were you stuck at home with irritable family members?

If you are older than 14, then you know the Holidays are nothing short of a royal pain in the a$$.  I for one, am thrilled that they are now over.  The 2-3 weeks leading up to Christmas Day are the worst.  The mad shoppers, the crazed mall parking lot drivers, the people grasping for the last 25lb turkey in the market…out of your own buggy even.  The lack of sleep, the constant apron tied to your waist as you … Read more...

Happy New Year!

Well thank goodness 2013 is over. It has not been a stellar year for our family (too many illnesses) and Mother Nature flexed her muscles giving us a gigantic headache with the dock and water issues, so we are anxiously looking forward to 2014 hoping it will be a boring year….don’t think we can take anymore ‘events’ like the ones seen in 2013.

All the best to everyone for a Safe, Happy & Prosperous New Year!

Happy New Year
