Are not for everyone. Those that have actual willpower are the only ones that make them come true. The rest of us are doomed to failure year in and year out.
Sure…you wake up New Year’s Day, head pounding from all the evil swill you drank the night before and you swear, totally swear, on a stack of bibles taller than Rob Ford, that you will N-E-V-E-R drink again…
Until later that night…
I gave up making New Year’s resolutions long ago. I am now at the age where I have realized I need to stop beating myself up trying to lose that ‘last 10 lbs’, or giving up chocolate (hahahaha!) or giving up the evil swill.
Sometimes you need bad habits, they make your good habits look even better.
Moderation is the key. Yes, you can have a few chocolates or cookies here and there, just don’t eat the whole box in one day. Same goes with rich, fatty foods, the aforementioned evil swill, and while were at it, maybe, just maybe, go and get a tich more exercise.
I am not saying to run out and waste money on a gym membership (unless you really want to), just get out and get more active. Whether that is walking 20 to 30 minutes a day or dancing to your favourite jive record in your 80’s leotard…yes, I am that old when I say the words ‘jive’ and ‘record’ in the same sentence. A small investment in time to work your heart, lungs and muscles will make it that much more enjoyable when you reach for that chocolate coated caramel.
So did you make any resolutions? I only made one Resolution….and that is not to MAKE any Resolutions.
hehe yeah me too!!!