GLT Wrap

Everyone knows what a BLT is, if you don’t, then you quite possibly have been living on Jupiter until today, and in that case,  a BLT is a Bacon, Lettuce and Tomato sandwich.

Sorry, I just had to explain that before my inbox becomes inundated with the question…what is a BLT?!

Back to the topic at hand.  Today’s post is all about the GLT.

Guacamole Lettuce and Tomato Wrap!

Which is ridiculously easy to make and so healthy for you that it automatically justifies eating that chocolate bar right afterwards.

So just what is a GLT …

Autumn Stuffed Squash

I wish I had the room to grow squash.  Because I love squash.  Butternut Squash.  Acorn Squash.  Santa Squash and many other Fancy-Schmancy Squashes.  They are all good.  You can do so much with them too.  Baked Squash, Fried Squash, Squash Soup, P’sghetti Squash & Meatballs even…the possibilities are endless.

It is Fall in Ontario, which means it is comfort food season.  Apples, squash and all kinds of root vegetables are at their peak.  Nothing like freshly pulled carrots to make your taste buds appreciate your hard work all summer.

Squashes are even better.  They are sweet and savoury all … Read more...

Rustic Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup

Rustic is a good choice for describing this soup.  It is also the result of me not having my immersion blender handy as I took it back down to the southern household last week….dang it.

But, as things typically happen for a reason, not having the blender made for a rustic (think chunky) soup that was loaded with texture.  Texture being one of those elements Chopped judges pine for on tv.

This past weekend was rainy….and windy….and cold….and did I mention rainy? Yes, it was extremely rainy.  So rainy that hubby almost started building an ark.  Therefore it was excellent … Read more...

From Sweaters To Soups To Spinning

It’s hard to believe how fast *summer* flew by.  By summer, I mean that bright yellow thing in the sky that was supposed to give us heat for oh…say about 3 months or so?

Not this year.  We had snippets of heat, but certainly not what we are used to.  Rainy too.  Good thing I have a home-made recipe for killing moss, because I need to use it on my hair to get rid of what’s now surely growing up on my head.

With Fall snapping at my heels, it is almost time to pull out the soup pot.  First … Read more...

How Come There Isn’t Enough?

I need more time.  24 hours in a day isn’t enough….

24 hours in one day
– 8 hours for sleeping
– 1 hour for eating
– 8 hours for working
– 3 hours for “domestic chores”
– 1 hour for errands/etc.
= 3 hours a day for knitting/fiber related hobbies….


How am I supposed to get these projects done?

DSC01793This is what I have on the go at the moment (not counting the project that is currently on Bob the loom, whom is missing from this photo…sorry Bob). I have a sweater just started (the lovely gold/brown yarn), … Read more...

Strawberry Rhubarb Muffins

June 17th….that was my last post ~ sorry folks, I have just been ridiculously busy with house renovations the past few months and I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  How about I hope I see the light at the end of the tunnel?

We are also smack in the middle of strawberry season.  Here in Ontario, the plump, juicy, red strawberries grace our presence for a very short time.  Hence, I buy baskets of them for freezing and cooking and to generally stuff my face with them.  But one of my very favourite … Read more...

What To Do With Leftovers

I love leftovers.  In a pinch, they are a quick meal heated up the next day, but they also have tremendous experimental appeal for the adventurous kitchen types.  I am just such a type.

The other day we had shredded beef tacos with rice for dinner and I was left with about a cup of brown/wild rice and about a cup of the beef in BBQ sauce to ponder what to do with for last nights meal.

I didn’t want tacos again so grabbed a couple frying pans and some veggies from the fridge and got to work.  I also … Read more...

Cheddar Chive Flatbread

Pop up the patio umbrella, fluff the pillows on the chaise lounge poolside and fill me up a frosty glass with a delectably cold summer drink.

Hooray for Summer!

The past couple days has seen the mercury soar into the mid to high 80’s with plenty of humidity to make sweat circle patterns, like crop circles, on the patio table from ice cold glasses.  We had the most miserable, long, cold, despicable winter weather in memory and I for one am LOVIN’ the return of some heat!  The first person to whine about how hot it is gets a slap … Read more...

Turkey, Kale & Orzo Pasta

This past Easter I cooked a whole turkey.  Not something I usually do as it was just hubby and myself and I wasn’t able to get a small, breast only bird that we prefer (note to self, don’t wait until 2 days before Easter before buying what you really want).

The smallest bird I could find was just under 6 kg.  Still a sizable critter for just 2 people.  We were going to have plenty of leftovers, but at least I also would have a full carcass for the much beloved turkey stock.

With our tummies full of freshly cooked …

The Power of Kale

I did it.
I tried something new in the way of food.

I am usually pretty good in the food department.  Comes from loving to eat I guess, but there are some things in this world that I had not tried yet and Kale was one of them.

I discarded it as a ‘healthy-therefore-it-must-taste-awful’ vegetable.  But I admit when I am wrong and today is one of those days.

Kale isn’t just a healthy vegetable – it is a Super-Duper Healthy Vegetable that has the power to lower cholesterol better than Doctor prescribed medicines (if you want, you can read … Read more...