Weight Loss Battle Tools!

There is an army on the horizon.  An army of fat cells that will do anything to thwart your plans of their anihilation.  This army is sneaky and conniving.  They pile up like flakes of snow in the night and next thing you know, you look like the Goodyear Tire man.  Not very flattering if you ask me…..

Time to banish these insidious little demons and I have just the tools to help you wage war and win!

Tool # 1 ~ A Food Diary

This is a very simple but effective tool.  Whether you record your food intake electronically … Read more...

New Year…New Beginning!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Hope your holidays were fun and food-filled laughter-fests with family and friends.  I know they were to me. Too good in fact…. as all those cookies, treats, dips and meals for special occasions have left me feeling like a blue whale trying to wiggle into a dolphin’s skin.  Sleek and svelte are not words in my wardrobe vocabulary at the moment.  Thank goodness the Holidays have come to an end….my clothes are tight enough!

Time to change all that though….Yes, a New Year brings a New You….especially after you eat with abandon for a solid month.  … Read more...