It is February, and the groundhogs have spoken.
6 more weeks of winter.
I have news for you. We do not need rodent prognosticators to tell us that we are in for more snow, sleet and freezing temps. Mother Nature, not groundhogs, rules the seasons, and when she is ready to grace us with her warm sunny smile, she will, but not a moment sooner.
So what to do when the snowpiles are up to your arse?
De-Clutter the house of course!
This week is the start of de-clutter month at the Homestead. I usually start this in January, but I was too busy gallivanting around Mexico, then coming back home to be thrown into *regular* work. So better late than never. De-cluttering worries my husband. He thinks I am getting rid of everything….him included. Pfft…as if were that easy *evil grin*.
De-cluttering the house gives me control, control over all the $hit that is in our lives. What to keep, what to toss, what to donate, what to re-use and most of all…to ponder why the heck did we buy that inane chachka in the first place.
I am starting off with the file cabinet in the laundry room. My gigantic, 6 foot tall file cabinet full of crap. Lightbulbs, old towels for rags, extra pool towels and battery operated pool fish (which are really fun BTW, if you have a pool, you have to get some, they are so cool), cleaning supplies, brand new CD’s waiting to be burned with whatever data/music/movies (that I have no idea how to do) and of course…files. Lots and lots of file folders full of paper consisting of utility bills, insurance papers, paid credit card bills, appliance receipts, warranty papers, bank statements, ugh…they pile up faster than the darn snow flakes outside.
The paper stuff is easiest to harness, I need most of them for my tax return anyway, so anything related to that, gets pulled out, the remainder get tossed in the ‘to be burned in the woodstove’ pile. Who needs to buy a paper shredder when you have a woodstove handy?
Everything else is scrutinized with the end result being relocating to where it will best serve its next intended purpose ~ or tossed.
When de-cluttering, you have to be brutally honest with yourself and your needs. I have harped on this before in past de-clutter post, but it’s true. Lest you become a hoarder of monumental proportions with nowhere to sleep due to your paper fetish.
Next I will be moving to my office desk…even though I gave it a serious heave-ho of stuff last year, it has manifested itself into a full entity again. After that, it is on to closets, kitchen cupboards (where I think I have the worlds largest Tupperware collection), and coming to a finale in the crawlspace.
All this should take me at least a month, given the many other things I have on the go, so not a moment to waste. If you don’t see me by the end of February, consider me firmly ensnared in a clutter trap and toss me a lifesaver.
I’ve slowly started….
Good for you! I find it strangely therapeutic! 😉
There goes all my good stuff…….. Provided you can find it that is…… 🙂
Oh and I don’t think the pool fish work any longer.
All your *good stuff* is in the garage…which is your domain. I will test the pool fish, if they do not work – TOSS! 🙂
Good thing I changed the locks on the garage eh? I mean huh? Which country am I in again????
shhhhh…you’ll give yourself away 🙂