That they would be willing to give me? I may fork out a little dough for it, but honestly, I don’t need a whole canoe…only half a canoe (so a floating one is not a necessity).
Oh…and I am picky too, it needs to be a Wooden Canoe.
Not a Fibreglass Canoe..
Nor a Kayak…
But a Real, Honest-To-Goodness Wooden Canoe…
Why you ask?
(Seriously? You have to ask? You can’t read my mind by now?)
For my bookcase of course! Duh!
This is what I want…
But because the lovely model pictured here is approximately $2,200.00 CDN to purchase, and I am cheap (i.e. frugal, thrifty), I have decided to take matters into my own hands (ok, hubby’s, he won’t mind me volunteering him) and make one.
So….back to my original question…
Who has a gently used, wooden canoe that they are willing to part with…cheap???
I’m almost thinking that I would prefer to have one that floats to use in the water as opposed to one to use as a bookshelf. 🙂