I liked having the menu done early last week, so I will carry it forward to be posted every Friday vs Monday to showcase the following week’s menu….makes it easier for me to plan and shop beforehand too.
This coming weekend is supposed to be damp, so aside from working Saturday, I think Sunday will just be a lounge around in pajamas all day with my knitting ~ and some hot chocolate featuring Bailey’s for a boost….sounds like a good day to me!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Here is next week’s meal inspiration for you….
Home-Made Pizza Dough
Chicken Cordon Bleu
Turkey Lasagna
Whole Wheat and Honey Rolls
BRRRINGGGGG!! BBBRRRRINNNGGGGG! Hello? Can I get Thursday’s menu delivered? 30hours or it’s free? Ribs and salad, you can keep the fries, just send extra ribs please!
I wonder if Canada Post accepts ribs in the mail???? 😉