Will be a surprise for all involved. This weekend, our daughter and her husband (oh, and don’t forget the ‘grand-kitty’) will be coming up to the Homestead for 9 days. They love coming up for vacation and they actually haven’t been up since last August, so I know they are pretty darn excited. We are excited too, but I think I am WAY more excited than they are as son-in-law is the chef of their household which means….
I get a holiday within a holiday!
Did I tell you I was excited?
They will be responsible for meals for 3 or 4 days, I will do 3 days (the only thing I claimed dibs on was one night to be Mexican night, the rest we will figure out as we go along) and the other couple days they are on their own as I have to travel back south for a couple days next week to check on the Southern Homestead garden/household while hubby is still working his shutdown (week 3, can’t be over soon enough for him the poor guy).
This will leave them with some valuable ‘alone’ time. They don’t have to worry about keeping us old folks up too late or playing loud music until wee hours of the morning or trying to make sure they don’t mess up my pristine Homestead inside and out (yes, I am a clean-a-holic) in my presence. I am sure they love me, but I know I can be a tad OCD about things.
The weekly menu posting will resume in a couple weeks. This will give me time to steal some ideas from son-in-law….