WIP’s & FO’s

Have you missed me?  I know I have missed sitting down here writing out my thoughts but life just seems to be getting in the way of my writing these days.  I will try to become a little more regular…emphasis being on the word ‘try’.

Now I am sure you are asking.. “What the hell are WIP’s and FO’s?”.  Well,  WIP’s are “Work-In-Progress” and FO’s are “Finished Objects”.  Acronyms of the fiber/craft world and I am sure many other pursuits either hobby related or career related.

I have a lot of both going on right now.  Actually, I think there are more WIP’s than FO’s happening in the household.  From the commencement of the basement bathroom build, to de-cluttering (which has really consumed most of my time recently), knitting and of course…weaving. DSC00834In between helping/cleaning up after hubby while he makes a mess in the basement, here is what I have been up to recently.  In no apparent order either, just random works of art I like to think of them as.

FO ~ My second set of woven tea towels.  DSC00829I had lots of fun playing with colour as is evident from each one.  The warp threads were the same striped pattern, but by choosing a different weft thread, it clearly makes each one a unique individual.  All that is left is to hem the ends, which is a perfect activity for after dinner while watching t.v.

DSC00833FO ~ Knitted Poncho for hubby’s cousin.  It is the same as my beige Mexican Travel poncho I made last summer.  It is really stunning in the ice blue cotton yarn.  I hope she likes it.


WIP ~ Socks, yes, me, the sock hater (hate is a strong word, how about sock disliker?). I picked up a hank of gorgeous variegated Manos Del Uruguay yarn (which means Hands of Uruguay in Spanish) that has been delightful to work with.  It doesn’t split or unwind itself and knits up smoothly with great stitch definition.  I will definitely be keeping this type of yarn on my radar for future projects.  One sock is done and the other has just been started this morning.

DSC00824WIP ~ Knitted washcloths are fast and easy to knit up and make great gifts when paired with a hand-made, organic soap.  One 50g ball makes one washcloth with a little leftover.  So what to do with all the leftovers?  I mix and match them into unique and colourful squares instead of wasting them.  These washcloths are extremely durable and can be used in the kitchen, bathroom or laundry room.

WIP ~ My Mexican Table Runner has DSC00825been designed, yarn requirements calculated and I will be spending the next few days winding all these pretty colours onto the warping board in preparation for weaving.  Stay tuned for further updates on this one, when the loom is *dressed*, I will post an update.

Next week I will be embarking on my annual Spring ritual of SEED planting! YIPPEE!  I am so very excited and all my little plant pots are ready to go along with a big bag of seed potting mix.  Now Mother Nature needs to cooperate with some long, sunny days to get the little sprouts growing.

That’s about it for now and I promise I will try and get myself back to regular posts.  Meanwhile, there is another winter storm brewing in Southern Ontario that is going to give us more of the damn white stuff to shovel tomorrow.  I am really hoping this is Old Man Winter’s last blast which will lead to warm, sunny Spring days to melt the epic amounts of snow we have received this winter.

Stay safe over the next couple days and don’t venture out into it if you don’t need to.

Hasta luego.

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2 thoughts on “WIP’s & FO’s

    • I don’t go through enough eggs to do that as I am the only one that eats eggs in my house, even when the kids were here, they didn’t eat them either (both kids and DH hate eggs!). I have used egg cartons though (for Marigold seeds last year) and I don’t buy the pots, I have been reusing 4″ plastic pots from previous purchases of annuals 🙂

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