Its almost time….

Time for what you say?

Seed planting time!!!!!

Seeds have been ordered and delivered, planting pots and trays are out of storage and at the ready.  All I need is a bag or two of seed potting medium and I am ready to roll!


Hurry up February 15th!

That is the day I start my peppers seeds.  Let year I decided to start the peppers a month earlier than the Toms as they are slower growing and I have found they take longer to mature and fruit in the shorter growing season of the Northern Homestead.  Boy did it work out fabulous as they were fruiting 3 weeks earlier than the year before.

I planted them in the raised beds the end of April keeping the plastic rolled down for the greenhouse effect until after the last frost date to which they responded by growing into tall, sturdy plants loaded with fruit being harvested in a much shorter time.

So for now, the days count down slowly as I anxiously await the 15th of February to get my little charges into their new little peat pot homes. Yippee!

What will you grow this year?


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