Whether you follow Wiarton Willie…or Punxsutawney Phil (I had to google the name, still have no idea how they came to arrive at the spelling/pronunciation), do you believe his/their predictions of an early Spring…or an extended Winter?
Or is this one of those time honoured traditions of pomp and circumstance, that are done annually just to appease us inhabitants of northern climes?
Here in Canada, Wiarton Willie is from Wiarton, Ontario, and he is one of the most beautiful (if you can call a groundhog beautiful) groundhogs in history…mainly because he was an albino groundhog and pure white. Unfortunately, the original Wiarton Willie died in 2006 and a statue has since been erected in Wiarton of their beloved rodent.
The new Wiarton Willie is also known as “Wee Willie,” and is another albino groundhog. There have actually been two Wee Willies—Wee Willie and Wee Willie 2. Seriously… I am not making this up… The former was reported as deceased on July 11, 2006 after fighting an infection for the previous month. The actual number of different groundhogs known as “Wiarton Willie” is unknown, as previous replacements were not reported; however, the average life span of a groundhog is four to nine years.
Regardless of which rodent you follow….I for one will be eagerly awaiting his prediction tomorrow….an early Spring is definitely my cuppa tea, who needs 6 more weeks of snow and slush?!