Almost there…

9 months has passed since we moved and I can say that finally, F-I-N-A-L-L-Y, the painting has come to an end in the Colourful House of Frightenstein.  Yes, we did the major painting prior to moving in, but there was still the kitchen, baths and all interior doors and door frames to be done.

They can now be crossed of the to-do list save for a few touch-ups after my kitchen is renovated in a few weeks. Woo!

With the bulk of the updates/fixes now done, I can settle into some serious loom time before the Northern Homestead gets opened from its short winter nap, as well get the rest of my seeds started for summer gardening.  I have a few sprouts happening already as you can see here… Curly Parsley (top photo) and Basil (bottom photo)

DSC04163 DSC04165and remember these?  Grocery store green onions that I planted a few weeks ago?

DSC04153Well, here they are today….

DSC04168I have to prune them as they are getting totally out of control, which is easy as pie, just snip and add to your cooking.  Super simple to grow, just get some potting soil and when your green onions are about down to the last 4″ from the root end, plunk them in a little pot, water and watch them grow again and again.

DSC04169Guarding my little wee plants is my obedient kitty.  He sits there staring out the window all day, waiting for the summer warmth to arrive (me too) and never lays a paw on the sheers. What a good kitty!

I have a couple weeks before I get the rest of the pots and seeds out, for now, it is off to the loom and spinning wheels and get down to business!


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