Last week when I sent out a post about the site being down for a day or two, I alluded to a surprise for when I was back up on-line.
Today is the DAY!
Well, it was supposed to be last Friday…but hey, sometimes you just can’t help delays…
Over the last couple years, I was an active part of a cooking website and ended up being the chosen ‘ringleader’ for showcasing a recurring cooking challenge (something about good writing ability..pfft…no one else wanted the ‘job’ me thinks). But, I did have an added quartet of gals that I have grown very fond of that became my core slaves…ummm helpers/participants/advisors. So… Tina, Anne, Trish and Vick, you better be paying attention and ready to roll again.
The premise of the challenge is that you are given a list of 10 ingredients and a theme, and you have to create a meal using the given ingredients.
By creating a meal, I mean you have to think up ON YOUR OWN what the meal was going to be and make it from scratch. Not by cruising recipe sites and plunking the given ingredients into the search bar and having the work done for you or buying ready-made meals. NOPE…you have to put your creative Chef’s Hat on (Chopped style) and come up with something uniquely YOURS.
To serve to your Family. For them to EAT.
Soooooooooo……I have decided to resurrect the Challenge and unleash it here. Please give a hearty welcome to:
The GangUp Challenge
Here is how it works….
10 Ingredients + One Theme + 1 week’s time = Unique Meal Created
Now, seeing as next weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada, I will cut you all some slack and give you a few extra days to complete the Challenge – if you sign up for it that is. Now, if you are feeling brave and confident enough to serve your extended family a once-in-a-lifetime, never-before-tested meal at Thanksgiving, then I say GO FOR IT. What do you have to lose? Except for the opportunity to NOT host family holiday meals anymore…wait, disregard that.
For the culinarily timid folks, don’t worry, we never have any weird and wacky ingredients like those found in the Chopped baskets. Just plain, average, everyday items that most folks have access to and will actually eat. Trust me, it really is a LOT of fun. As much fun as a root canal…never mind, I am teasing. All I need from you folks is a firm commitment that you will participate.
Best part, you get to have your meal showcased HERE, on my BLOG. Complete with PHOTOS. For ALL the world to SEE.
Want to see your name in Internet lights? Are you secretly wanting to unleash your inner Bobby Flay or Giada De Laurentiis?
Then let your inner Chef be heard and impress your family!
Ok, now that I have touted to my hearts content the virtues of this Challenge, let’s get down to business…..
Here is the Theme, Ingredient List and of course, all the rules and regs:
Theme: Fall Comfort Food – Soups &/Or Stews
Beef (any cut), Pumpkin, Potatoes, Sage, Barley, Olive Oil (or Canola, whatever your preference), Tomatoes (canned or fresh), Beef Stock, Red Wine, Turnip
Rules & Reg’s: There are 3 items that are in addition to the above list that are ‘standard pantry staples’ that you are allowed to use.
They are Water, Salt & Pepper
Now, you can modify the ingredients with substitutions as follows:
1. You can either use all 10 ingredients as is, or add 2 ingredients, or remove 2 ingredients or add one/delete one. But the changes made must equal 2.
2. You can make one dish out of them or two or three, but they all must be part of the same meal i.e. entrée/side dishes.
Once you have created your masterpieces of the culinary world, email me a photo of your dish, as well as what ingredients you used and the recipe you came up with. You then get to share it with the world wide web!
Email your finished results by Wednesday, October 10th to me at: I will then assemble all the creations into a blog post to be showcased on October 12th!
Now….leave a comment below that you are willing to participate, then, get your ingredients ready, plan, and COOK!
Count me in. Yay!! I’m glad you are doing this again Deb.
Hi G, Vamos!!!!!. Salud
Hola Senor! Buen a verte! Salud!
If I cooked for all to see it would turn people off so, I’m declining. But, what a wonderful idea. I have absolutely NOOOOOO imagination regarding food:(
I’m in! I might not be too creative, but it will still be fun 🙂
I’ve been waiting for this Deb. Glad you’re resurrecting a fun game. I’m in!
I’m in! So glad you’re doing the “Gang-Up Challenge” again!
I am IN!!! and can’t wait.Thank you for hosting this game once again and allowing extra time to get through the busy weekend. This weekend will be insane in our world so I appreciate the additional time.
I had to give myself extra time too, it will be a busy weekend – Happy Thanksgiving, hope you and your family enjoy!
You’re right, I’m secretly channeling my inner Giada…I’m in!
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