Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Oh wait..that was last week. Since we missed it, this weekend hubby and I will be having our turkey dinner with all the fixin’s as we were away last weekend enjoying an exhaust-filled couple days of car racing. Which, by the way, was simply fantastic. The weather was beautiful, temps in the mid-20’s (in Celsius, that would be mid-70’s Fahrenheit for non-metric folk), and the drive down and back thru the Appalachians in West Virginia was simply stunning. Do you know how hard it is to drive and sight-see at the same time? especially on a windy-curvy road doing 70 mph? Yes, 70 mph is the speed limit on Interstate 77 (and parts of I79 as well). I know, crazy eh?
We were almost overcome with joy at being able to drive close to the pit road speed of Daytona or Talledega.
But back to reality though, back to Canada and the chilly weather of a Canadian Fall-soon-to-become-Winter.
This weekend will probably involve leaf raking….lots and lots of leaf raking, with a few brewski’s sprinkled here and there for refreshment. Or I may go visit a pumpkin patch or meander through a corn maze, but it will most likely be leaf raking. Probably you too….
Glad you enjoyed your US visit to the race tracks.
As for raking, Jack found an easier way………….use a mulching mower. What’s left is soon either blown away or lost in the grass. Best invention ever…….along with a leaf blower that blows the leaves away from the patio unto the grass, where they are mulched with the mower.
But, if you must rake, make it easier on your blistered hands by putting a hand-hold about half way down the rake handle. Jack used the hand-hold off an old whipper-snipper, attached it to the rake and no more blisters. Why don’t rake or hoe manufacturers put those hand-holds on their products?
We use the mulching mower for the teeny leaves off the Locust trees at home that refuse to be raked. We do not own a leaf blower and likely will not buy another (our first one died some years ago). We prefer to save the fuel costs in operating one (either gas or electric) in favour of sweeping/raking, not to mention the noise they generate. At the cottage, we do not have a mulch mower but we don’t mind raking as it is also know by its other name….exercise 😀 I do agree with the rake handles, they need to beef them up to make them easier on the hands.